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Too often, drivers and large corporations that drive semi-trucks ignore or break safety rules and regulations to save time and profits. Such conduct contributes significantly to the number of semi-truck accidents and the serious injuries and deaths resulting from them. Their finances and convenience should not be placed above your safety. These accidents can be far more devastating than a typical car accident, given the size of one of these commercial 18-wheelers. It is vital to hire the right semi-truck accident attorney.
Even a minor semi-truck accident quickly becomes a nightmare as you have to deal with the insurance companies for your property damage and injury claim. This simply increases dramatically with serious injuries. Commercial insurance companies work quickly to strengthen their case against you to reduce the amount of money they pay for the final settlement.
They will likely bully you into giving a recorded statement immediately after the accident. The insurance companies will also contact you countless times through phone calls, e-mails, and letters. These also include releases that they will use to obtain your bills and records before you are done with treatment. It is not uncommon for an insurance company to pressure you into a settlement before your medical treatment is completed. There is a reason why insurance companies have such large profit margins – because these for-profit companies save money by not adequately compensating injured victims to save money.
Our semi-truck attorneys at Carr Woodall won’t let the insurance companies treat you like that. Your attorney will not allow the insurance companies to communicate with you and bully you. Your South Jordan semi-truck attorney will communicate directly with the insurance companies to negotiate and litigate a fair settlement that you desperately deserve. Don’t speak with the insurance companies or accept a settlement offer without discussing it with one of our attorneys.
Serious injuries come with serious life altering changes that may last the rest of your life. These injuries will not only cripple your quality of living but will leave you straddled with financial and medical complications for the rest of your life. Other injuries may be permanent, such as scarring, that may dramatically impact your self-confidence and mental health.
While these injuries cannot be undone, they need to be accounted for you in your insurance settlement. This process can be complicated and extremely detailed. The settlement should include financial compensation for all of how your injury, pain, and suffering will impact your life.
If you suffer from a serious injury from a semi-truck accident such as severe burns, broken or fractured bones, internal bleeding, dismemberment, spine injuries, brain injuries, and many others, contact one of our accident attorneys immediately to schedule a consultation.
Contact us today to get started. Call (801) 988-9400.