Frequently Asked Questions

We do not share client information with anyone. We will not initiate a greeting in public. Our electronic files are encrypted. Access to our offices is key-card controlled and video monitored. Discarded documents are shredded using a certified on-site shredding service.

When a relationship fails, people snoop. Change your passwords and your security questions. Otherwise, if your ex knows the answer to your security question, he or she can change your password and lock you out of your own accounts.

The kitchen table is the best place to settle your case. If that fails, mediation must be attempted before you can ask for a trial date.

A mediator will attempt to help you settle your case with a balanced, unbiased perspective. Mediation is either done at a lawyer’s office or in a neutral setting. Unless you request to meet in the same room, the mediator will shuttle back-and-forth between separate meeting rooms.

Qualified, experienced, court-approved mediators are booked weeks in advance, and they don’t need to advertise. Call us for referrals.

Bring your lawyer, be prepared, and plan on being there for at least four hours.

An intake specialist will set you up with an attorney that they designate as a good fit. It is very important you have confidence in the attorney assigned to your case. While we may sometimes use the assistance of paralegals or other attorneys, you always have direct access to the attorney you chose to hire for your case. You will have direct access to an attorney throughout your case.

We handle uncontested divorces for a flat fee, and contested cases are billed hourly. Attorney rates are $300 – $400 and initial filing fees with the Utah Courts start at $300. Add $65.00 if you have children, as you’ll need to attend the mandatory divorce orientation and parenting course. Uncontested means you come to us with the agreement in your head. We’ll take it from there.



We provide a level of responsiveness that is unmatched in the industry. Absent extraordinary circumstances, we return every call, every day. Emails are often responded to immediately.

Mr. Woodall is typically available to meet or talk to clients by 6:00 a.m., seven days a week. Holidays are no exception. Mr. Carr’s clients have his personal cell phone number.

Yes. Recent federal decisions have been heralded as a long-overdue recognition of the fundamental right of same-sex couples to marry. We support those decisions, but the effect of the Supreme Court’s ruling raises complicated and potentially troubling issues, particularly for persons who were married in other jurisdictions.

Unmarried same-sex couples have the same issues as other unmarried couples. If you are in a committed relationship; a comprehensive estate plan is essential.

Absolutely. We do not shy away from litigation, but we do our best to avoid it.

Trials represent a failure of one or both parties (or their lawyers) to look at things rationally and negotiate in good faith.

There is a 30-day waiting period that starts when you file for divorce. The waiting period will not be waived unless you have some extraordinary reason. If there is a settlement, we will submit the final paperwork to the Court on day 30.

Contested matters requiring a trial routinely require over a year.

Sure – but we certainly do not recommend it. We have received countless problem files, some of which are nothing short of tragic, from do-it-yourself divorces to handling your own criminal defense. A serious legal matter really isn’t the time to save a few dollars and rush something through that will affect the rest of your life.