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Most of what I post on our website is objective, verifiable fact. Today, I am just posting a personal opinion:
I thought I would post an article about experience today after I had some long conversations with some colleagues of mine. I have been around the block for nearly 30 years. I have learned a lot. My experience answers a lot of questions that you cannot learn from a book. But you do not necessarily need an attorney with 30 years of experience to have a great divorce attorney. On the other hand, do not make the mistake of hiring an attorney that is so green that he or she is using your case as a learning opportunity.
The truth is, I know a lot of experienced attorneys who know what they are doing and take good care of their clients. I know other very experienced attorneys who still make first-year attorney mistakes. On the other hand, I have met many young attorneys who have little experience, yet they know exactly how to handle each and every major issue.
What I am trying to say is this: get a lawyer with enough experience, but do not let that be your only standard. You want an attorney who can keep you update with your case. One who won’t charge you for a five-minute phone call to tell you where you stand. You want an attorney who will work as hard on your case as if it were his or her own children and property on the line.
The point is, there are so many more factors than experience. The importance of experience diminishes over the years. An attorney with 20 years of experience is probably no worse than an attorney with 30 years of experience for the mere reason that he or she has 10 years less experience.