What Happens During a Stepparent Adoption?
During a stepparent adoption, a stepparent seeks to adopt their spouse’s children or stepchildren. Stepparent adoptions often occur when all parties agree regarding the proposed adoption.
For a stepparent to adopt their stepchild, the following requirements must be met:
- The adoptive parent (stepparent) must be married to the child’s custodial parent,
- The stepparent or child’s custodial parent must be at least ten years older than the child,
- The child must have lived with the custodial parent and adopting stepparent for at least one year, and
- The adoptive parent must not be disqualified from adopting as a result of a felony charge.
A judge can waive the residency requirement if they believe the adoption is in the child’s best interests. Once these requirements have been met, the adoption process can move forward.
Why Would I Wish To Consult An Adoption Attorney?
While filing for a stepparent adoption can be a simple process, an adoption attorney can help make the process even simpler. Adoption attorneys understand the requirements that must be met and can help you complete and file the required documents to adopt a stepchild.
With the help of an adoption attorney, you can also understand if your family is prepared for the process and help you set expectations for the adoption. Your adoption attorney can also help you understand what adoption may mean legally and how it can benefit your family.
South Jordan Adoption Attorneys
A bond with stepchildren is often a relationship our clients want to protect. Our adoption attorneys at Carr | Woodall understand the stepparent adoption process and are prepared to guide you as you seek to form a legal bond with your stepchildren.
Are you preparing to adopt your stepchild? Schedule a consultation by contacting us online or calling (801) 988-9400 with our adoption attorneys today to learn more about how we can help guide you through the process.