What The Courts Consider
When determining if a custody arrangement is suitable for the children, the courts consider what would be in their best interests.
Common court considerations include:
- Their current and past relationships with each parent,
- Each parent’s home environment,
- Each parent’s ability to physically care for the children,
- Any mental or physical illnesses that would make the parent unable to care for the children,
- Any substance abuse issues,
- Past domestic violence or restraining orders issued against either of the parents,
- The parents’ ability to co-parent,
- Educational or extracurricular opportunities for the children, and
- Any medical needs the child may have.
This list is not comprehensive; however, it does include some of the most prominent factors courts consider when determining if a custody plan is suitable for the children involved.
If You Are Unhappy With Your Current Custody Plan
If you or your children are unhappy with your current custody arrangement or believe the arrangement is no longer in your best interests, you can file a child custody modification with the guidance of your trusted child custody attorney. When filing your modification, you must demonstrate proof that the modification would be in the best interests of the child and why the proof displays the modification should be granted.
South Jordan Custody Attorneys
At Carr | Woodall, our child custody attorneys understand the importance of ensuring your child’s wishes are heard. If your child is 14 or older, we can help them express their wishes to the court for consideration in their initial child custody agreement or child custody modification to ensure that the court does factor in their desires. Our South Jordan family law attorneys will do all we can to advocate for your family’s best interests in your custody agreement and other related matters.
Are you filing for custody and have a child over the age of 14? Schedule a consultation with our team today by calling (801) 988-9400 or contacting us online to learn more about how your child’s wishes can be heard by the courts.