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Debt Collection
Bankruptcy Family Law January 24, 2018

Debt Collection

There are essentially two steps to every civil action. First, getting the judgment, and second, getting paid. Getting the judgment is usually the easy part. Whether you have been divorced and your former spouse is not paying his or her alimony, you loaned money to an individual or organization, or you won a lawsuit against a defendant who refuses to pay, we can help you with step two.

Step one is the judgment. This requires you to go to court and prove that the debtor owes you money. Usually, this is very simple. Whether you are owed money through contract or by operation of a court order (like a decree of divorce) we can help you turn it into a judgment.

A judgment is not worth anything more than the piece of paper it is printed on if you cannot collect on it. That is why you need aggressive debt collection attorneys in Salt Lake City to help you find creative ways to collect the money that is rightfully yours.

The type of judgment you have dictates how it can be collected. For example, if you are owed alimony or child support then you can take fairly extreme measures t collect on that debt, including garnishing social security retirement benefits. If you have a judgment for a personal loan the avenues of collection are slightly more limited. The quickest way to collect a judgment is through bank account garnishments. This is because if there is enough money, you can collect your entire judgment at once.

A continuing garnishment allows you to collect a percentage of the debtor’s income. The debtor’s employer will be required by the court to withhold the funds before they are paid to the debtor. That means the debtor can only get relief by quitting his or her job.

The avenues to collect debts are virtually countless. Don’t give up on collecting money owed to you just because someone is refusing to pay. Let our aggressive debt collection lawyers in Salt Lake City collect your debt.