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Family Law January 24, 2018

Collecting Unpaid Child Support

It is very frustrating when someone evades their child support obligation. After all, why should a parent be allowed to have children without being financially responsible for them? A good child support collection attorney in Utah can help you track down money owed for child support. In many cases, the Office of Recovery Services (ORS)  can help individuals collect on their child support. ORS does this for a nominal fee (usually less than $50 per year). For that reason, before coming to our office you should contact ORS at (801) 988-9400. Ask an ORS representative to help you collect on child support.

Unfortunately, ORS is not always able to help. For example, if you are only owed alimony and not child support, ORS will not help you. Sometimes a Decree for support does not include specific amounts for daycare or insurance premiums. ORS might tell you that you need a specific court order first.

Many of the people we help end up using ORS at our recommendation. First, we will get a judgment in court. Then we will send that judgment for a specific amount to ORS. ORS will then take steps to garnish wages, tax refunds, and other sources of income.

Occasionally, ORS cannot find any funds to garnish. In those circumstances, our child support collection attorneys in Utah can help you explore other avenues of collection.

Don’t go one more day allowing your children to miss opportunities in life because the other parent is refusing to meet his or her financial obligations. Come in for a consultation with one of our attorneys who can help you collect that money for the benefit of your children.

There are many different ways we can collect unpaid child support. A very common method is called a writ of execution. This is a court order that allows the sheriff or constable to take the obligor’s (the person who owes child support) property, sell it at an auction and disburse the funds to you.

Failure to pay child support can be a serious issue. Where the court finds that a person is willfully refusing to pay child support, he or she can be held in contempt of court, fined, lose parent time, and in some cases, be thrown in jail. We explore each avenue that is best for our clients. Although jail time often makes a person recognize the importance of child support payments, it also means that he or she is not working to pay child support. That means jail time is always a last resort for us. It is usually better for the other parent to stay working so that he or she can pay the child support owing.