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Alimony can be very difficult to collect. If you are visiting this page, chances are you have tried several times to collect on a debt that an ex-spouse owes you. You may have already learned that the Office of Recovery Services is unable to help you collect on past due alimony unless there is also an award for child support. This leaves a lot of former spouses with an alimony award in the dark as to how they can collect on the judgment. Our alimony collection lawyers in Utah can help you collect that debt.
If you cannot pay our fees up front, then do not worry about it. Unfortunately, since you are not receiving your alimony, it probably means that you don’t money to pay for attorney fees. If that is the case, then we will work with you on a contingency. That means you do not pay us a dime until we collect on the debt owing to you.
There are many ways we can collect your debt. For example, we consider ourselves the pioneers in garnishing social security benefits in favor of our clients. If your ex-spouse is currently receiving social security, we can almost certainly garnish a percentage of that benefit every month to satisfy the alimony obligation. In some cases, you can garnish up to 65% of the social security benefit every month until you are paid in full.
If your spouse is currently employed, we can garnish a portion of his or her wages. In some cases, we can even garnish the annual tax refund through the Department of Treasury Financial Management Services.
Yet another avenue for collection is garnishing funds held in the bank. All we need to know is the name of the bank and your ex-spouses personal identification information and we can garnish every penny that is owed to you out of the bank account.
You may have also heard of a writ of execution. This is a court order that allows the sheriff or constable to take certain, non-exempt property from your former spouse and sell it, giving you the proceeds. For example, if you just found out that your former spouse bought a $3,000 television instead of paying you alimony, then you can have that property sold and the proceeds paid to you.
We pride ourselves in finding creative ways to get our clients paid. After all, what is the point of alimony if you cannot collect on it? If you need help collecting a debt, come into our office for an initial consultation. An alimony collection attorney will give you a good idea as to whether or not we think we can collect the debt and how long it will take. It is your money and it is time for it to be in your pockets.